Despite the complex nature of obesity, it has long been the subject of stigma and misconceptions and this has influenced attitudes towards people living with obesity, resulting in a governmental approach that follows the widely accepted notion of ‘eat less and exercise more’.
Although there is substantial scientific evidence that demonstrates the complexity of obesity, which has, for instance, genetic, social and environmental determinants, governments, healthcare systems and the public often view obesity as solely the result of lifestyle factors. Consequently, people with obesity are often blamed for their weight which leads to stigmatising attitudes and discriminatory behaviours towards people living with obesity.
As a result, many current governmental obesity strategies focus on behavioural prevention or interventions targeted at individuals to improve their diet and exercise without recognition of the complex nature of obesity or need for holistic, integrated approaches to obesity.
To help address these issues and ensure more effective solutions and policies are put in place, Obesity UK has established The Obesity Policy Engagement Network (OPEN) UK, a national obesity advocacy coalition, comprising of representatives from major academic, governmental and non-profit institutions and the healthcare industry:
OPEN UK includes a wide range of policy advocates including clinicians, economists, politicians, patients, public and industry representatives within the UK who are concerned about the current state of obesity care. The aim of the group is to support greater collaboration across different disciplines to help establish holistic solutions which help change the way obesity is viewed and managed at a national and local government level.